Tayside Aviation Limited

Dundee Airport, Riverside Drive, Dundee, Angus, DD2 1UH. United Kingdom
Tel: 01382 644372
We carry out your training in a structured way and you will be led through various phases. We take you through the very basics of how the aircraft and controls work. Then we move on, practicing in the airfield circuit where you will learn how to take off, land the aircraft, become familiar with airfield operations and the use of the radio. When you and your instructor feel that you are ready, then you will aim for your first solo. This is a major milestone and will motivate you to continue.

Following your solo flight we will focus on navigation. This will include flights away from the local area. You will cover planning, visual and radio navigation, Air Traffic Control communication, practice diversions, emergency procedures, and operations at commercial airports. Once you are confident you will carry out a solo cross-country flight of 150 nm taking in 3 different airfields.

The last phase will prepare you for PPL skill test. You will get an opportunity to review all your learning so far and go through a “mock” PPL skills test to ensure you are confident and have reached the required standard for the full PPL skill test.
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News – Tayside Aviation
Tayside Aviation – Fly with the best